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DVGrabGUI 0.9.4

Reference → Window Menus

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Window menus Go to "File" menu description Go to description of "Load Settings" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Reload settings" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Reload default settings" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Set as default" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Reset default" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Save settings" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Save settings as…" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Options" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Languages" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Languages" entry in "File" menu Go to description of "Exit" entry in "File" menu Go to "Work" menu description Go to description of "Start Thread" entry in "Work" menu Go to description of "Stop Thread" entry in "Work" menu Go to description of "Start Capture" entry in "Work" menu Go to description of "Stop Capture" entry in "Work" menu Go to description of "Clear log window" entry in "Work" menu Go to description of "Full Screen" entry in "Work" menu Go to "Help" menu description Go to description of "Help" entry in "Help" menu Go to description of "About…" entry in "Help" menu
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(c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Bastien Montagne.