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DVGrabGUI 0.9.4
Reference → Settings → Hardware
This tab allows you to set more advanced options, mainly hardware ones.
Device selection options:
This box regroups the hardware source dv settings. You shouldn't have
to change these settings, unless using more than one dv sources.
Use stdin as dv input
If enabled, DVGrabGUI will try to capture a dv stream from the
standard input. Feature NOT tested! Note that when
enabled, the four others settings are not available.
Set the firewire "port" used to search dv device. You should
leave it at "-1" to leave DVGrabGUI auto selects it.
Set the firewire "node" used by the dv device. You should leave
it at "-1" to leave DVGrabGUI auto selects it.
Set the firewire "channel" over witch the dv connection will be
established. By default, it is over the "63" one. You should
leave it at "-1" to leave DVGrabGUI auto selects it.
Set the GUID (device identifier) of the firewire device to use as
dv source. If set to "0" ("Ox0000000000000000
DVGrabGUI will try to auto detect a dv source. You can also chose
one of the detected devices – DVGrabGUI tries to give
you the names of these devices… without any warranty! Or you can
enter yourself an hexadecimal GUID value (of type
" – other-formatted
values will fall back to default "zero" value!).
Capture options:
This box regroups various internal settings.
Disable use of AV/C
Do not use the abilities of controlling the camera from the PC
(not very useful for now).
Disable stop command when halting capture
Don't send stop command when halting dv recording. Only useful
when recording from tapes…
Number of frames to keep in RAM
The number of dv frames to cache in memory (1 frame = 144Ko).
Store VAUX data
Store the Video AUXiliary data of dv frames in an HTML file
(geek stuff – be careful, very big files very quickly!).
Jpeg Options:
This box regroups the jpeg recording settings, only available when the
"Jpeg" file format has been chosen.
Deinterlace dv frames
If enabled, the frames will be roughly deinterlaced before saved
as Jpeg files.
Allow overwriting jpeg files
If enabled, DVGrabGUI will overwrite the previously recorded jpeg
files; if not, it will add them (using higher frame numbers in
the file names…).
The Jpeg compression quality!
The width of the saved images: DVGrabGUI will down/up-scale the
dv frames as needed (if "width" and following "height" don't give
the correct aspect ratio, it is "width" which will be modified!).
The height of the saved images: DVGrabGUI will down/up-scale the
dv frames as needed ("height" is never modified, see above).
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(c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Bastien Montagne.